Add Covid-19 Community Data to Your Dashboard

Your campus is not a Covid-19 bubble. Tracking community health data is critical.

To make it easier, we’ve created this free regional dashboard for schools to add to their own Covid pages. This dashboard automatically updates daily with data from The New York Times’ national Covid-19 project. Public health experts at the University of Iowa and Yale University have reviewed the metrics. And the dashboard is fine-tuned based on input from industry-leading design, usability, and accessibility experts at Q2, GrubHub, and Vrbo.

Schools can use this resource with no hidden costs:

  • No software to purchase and learn

  • No need to spin up a data visualization project

  • Almost zero staff effort

If you can add 20 lines of embed code to your website, you can make this resource available to your campus stakeholders.

Request Your Custom Embed Code

Your embed code will display your regional trend without an institutional drop-down selector. If your school is not available in our drop-down list today, no worries - we’ll add it and send you the code!

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