What We Do

Even in the best of times, college administration teams—especially those at smaller, liberal arts institutions—are resource-constrained. Too much to do … too little time.

During a crisis like the Covid-19 pandemic, these challenges become acute.

We alleviate these challenges for schools with:

  • Data management and automation. We bring development skills to the table to speed up the process and free your team from manual wrangling of public health data

  • Immediate new capacity. We provide additional resources to institutional research, web and communications teams stretched thin right now

  • Fast reaction time. We launch new tools and dashboards to your website in days, not weeks

  • Leveraged insights and experience. We bring insights and practices from our work with multiple schools so you can climb the steep COVID learning curve more quickly

We Make the Invisible Visible

The coronavirus is only 60 to 140 billionths of a meter (a nanometer) wide. How tiny is that that? By comparison, a sheet of paper is 100,000 nm thick.

So how does a campus community “see” a virus so impossibly small, especially when lives and livelihood depend on it?

Data visualization

We partner with college leadership and campus stakeholders—including faculty/staff, parents and students—to “see” this pandemic by visualizing and interpreting important public health data to tell a clear, intuitive story about the state of Covid-19 on and around campus.

Teaming with schools, we leverage public health data and online dashboards. Developed with input from leading infectious disease experts across the country and powered by Tableau Public, our dashboards are clear and concise.

We help everyone make better public health decisions.


Our Service Offerings

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